Bid Writing

Unlocking Success Through Compelling Bids

bid writing

Professional Bid Writing

Bids and tenders are like freight trains – travelling at top speed to a deadline, slowing for no-one, often very long, sucking in everything into their bid-writing path, leaving behind a trail of debris in their wake and leaving no benefit if they pass by. No wonder it’s easier to avoid them.

But you are missing an easy way to grow your business and win income as well as new influential paying customers or benefactors.

A bid writer is happy to jump on that freight train for you, and

  • Understand and manage the end-to-end bid process
  • Create a bank of information required by 80% of tender documents
  • Collate qualitative and quantitative evidence about your products/services
  • Produce responses that reflect your unique organisational characteristics and show off your unique selling points
  • Ensure the bid response is clear and concise
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to hit the deadline

Triple Yellow offers its bid writing service as a one-off, ad-hoc or regular service. All bids and tenders request certain information each time, so we’ll help create the best version of that information to promote your features, benefits, discriminators and unique selling points.

Bid writing often involves different people within the organisation, who are offering different information and expertise at various points of the bid writing process. We’ll liaise with the right people for the right information at the right time, and then create a tender document written in one voice that answers the customer’s requirements. We will project manage larger or more complex bids to help every contributor understand their role, expectations and timelines, as well as progress of the overall bid.

By using us your business will soon reap the rewards

If you want to celebrate winning bids and tenders and are looking for a ‘freight train controller’ then Contact us

bid writing


Sarah’s ability to research, investigate and uncover key sector information quickly is a real skill, and vital for a growing company like ours

Emma Mahy, CEO, IoT Solutions Group Ltd

Sarah and I created a marketing Video on the topic of ISO/IEC 27001. Working together was a lot of fun and pleasant. She was very co-operative, and it turned out that her calming voice was the perfect match for our Video

Fridolin Leibetseder, Chief Information Security Officer, x-tention gmbH

Thank you for today’s social media post review meeting. In fact, thank you for all the review meetings. I always find them inspiring.

Sue Melia, Founder, Netconsult Online

Thanks for the charity project report it’s great, don’t what I would do without you.

Charmaine Beckles, Trustee, It’s All About Culture (IAAC) charity