Bid & Tender Services

Document checking service

bid and tender services

Bid & Tender Services

With bid and tender services they say that the devil is in the detail, and we love detail. There are often many documents to read as part of a bid or tender and are a way to help those bidding to understand what the client wants (and doesn’t want!)

The danger of having a bid or tender rejected after the deadline due to a missing document, omitted signature or missed out section is very high without a good review procedure.
We can act as your second pair of eyes on a bid and will provide bid and tender services to:

  • Cast a critical but constructive eye over your bid document, starting with a thorough cross-check against bid eligibility
  • Check each response ‘answers the exam question’ in a clear, concise and understandable way
  • Check your responses against your approved Bank of Information for bids and tenders
  • Move through the application checking for adherence to guidance such as wordcount, diagrams, references, uploads and links
  • A final copyrighting and acronym explanation check

We can provide this as a one-off checking service or work with you to create and continuously improve your Bid Information Bank, which your organisation can then use to create bids and tenders yourself.

Grant Proposal Reviews

Not-for-profits bidding for core or project funding from grant-making bodies and foundations will also suffer rejection if their proposal is missing requested documents or their responses don’t answer the ‘why’ question accurately or passionately enough.

We can act as a proposal assessor to:

  • Assess the grant opportunity for impact keywords to cross-check in the proposal
  • Check grant eligibility and deadlines
  • Analyse the grant proposal for expected impact-based responses and outcome-based terminology
  • Check for adherence to word count, document uploads and signatures

We can provide this as a single proposal check or regular service to improve your Grant Information Repository. Check out our Not-for-Profit Case Study to learn more.

Bid & Tender Services


Sarah’s ability to research, investigate and uncover key sector information quickly is a real skill, and vital for a growing company like ours

Emma Mahy, CEO, IoT Solutions Group Ltd

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